Environmentally Friendly Power Option
An Environmentally Friendly Power Option
The environment of our wonderful world needs care and protection, and as South Africans we know all about this. Our country has been a world leader in protecting the incredibly vast African wildlife panorama for over a century. Love of the power and beauty of nature is inherently in our blood.
We are also scientists, so we understand all of the scientific arguments about environmental factors and of the science of nuclear power.
Nuclear power is by far the greenest of all electricity sources. Anti-nuclear sentiments propagated by anti-nuclear groups for decades, have really confused the public and have also led senior politicians down a multitude of incorrect thought pathways.
However, it is really pleasing to note that over the past year or two that world sentiment is rapidly swinging to favor nuclear power, and to accept that it is really a green, environmentally friendly power source.
In 2022 the European Union voted to include nuclear power as ‘green’ in the EU taxonomy, thereby clearing the way for various funding sources to include nuclear in their plans. President Macron of France is also a leading pro-nuclear voice in Europe. He clearly has a powerful platform, in that for decades France has produced three quarters of its electricity from nuclear. France is showing the world the complete viability of an environmentally friendly nuclear-powered country.
The HTMR-100 has been designed with all conceivable environmental factors in mind. During operation, no radioactive material of any sort whatsoever; solid, liquid or gas is emitted by the reactor. All factors are monitored continuously.
There need be no environmental concerns at all about adopting an HTMR-100 Fleet as a national power source.