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Reactor Architecture and Designs

Nuclear Reactor Architecture and Design

The small nuclear reactor awareness, which is now sweeping the world, indicates the sheer potential of the amazing versatility of such reactors.

We envisage that our HTMR-100 reactor will be built all over the world.

We have had visits from a number of countries who have come to South Africa for discussions. We have also had online meetings with a number of players in various other countries. We have been asked about the possibility of building our reactor in desert sands, and in ice and snow conditions. Our reactor is suitable for all conditions.

When South Africa became the first country in the world to start developing a commercial SMR one major consideration was that the reactor should be sited far inland in South Africa, where there are no large water bodies available. As a result, we chose the helium-cooling option so the HTMR-100 will function perfectly in the desert or in snow, or in any geographic conditions inbetween. A consideration in choosing the Pebble fuel route is that it is very robust, and so is easily transportable over long distances. We know all about such conditions.

Our associate architects, JKDA, are developing various designs for potential customers. The standard African Design is shown here. It is the Kudu Design. This design is suitable for many average African sites, and for that matter, many average sites anywhere in the world. Of course, customers can ask for any variation in appearance that they wish. Just tell the architect.

We have our basic Impala Design as a reference.
This design was developed as a basic workhorse power plant to be placed near to a major South African gold mine, or industrial area. It was developed from the actual engineering drawings for a one-reactor plant, and was designed to be industrially functional, so minimal expense was invested in the exterior trim.

South Africa is fortunate in having loads of space, particularly away from built-up areas, which is where a major segment of our market exists. So, the Impala Design was not made unnecessarily compact, but still, the whole complex will fit on a piece of land as small as a football field.

Our HTMR-100 system has been designed to be able to take up to 10 reactors on a site. That means; one control room, one workshop, one administration building, for any number of reactors. Having multiple reactors per site will, of course, reduce the costs. It also gives a customer the latitude to build at a pace that matches their demand, and which can be matched to available finance. Additional reactors can be added later, whenever required.

Kudu Design

In contrast to the simple design of the original Impala Design the Kudu Design is one that takes on the characteristics of the South African Kudu, known for its grace and beauty. While moving at speed it exhibits great power and elegance. Much the same in spirit, this nuclear reactor presentation invokes the grace and power which lies beneath its elegant structures, especially designed for Savannah conditions.

Impala Design

This design is the original engineering design. This model was developed directly from the engineering plans of the reactor complex. The idea was to produce a very inexpensive, simple industrial design ideally suited for workhorse operations such as at a remote South African gold mine complex, or other industrial complex not near a large body of water.

Oryx Design

The Oryx is a powerful antelope which exists in desert regions of Southern Africa. It is seen as a beautiful and dramatic image far out in desert sands, or in sparse dry scrubland. It always looks majestic, standing amongst massive sand dunes.

Sable Design

The sable antelope is a rare sight, it is not often seen. Notwithstanding its imposing size and shape it tends to blend in with its surroundings, to a significant degree.

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