HTMR-100 building complex
Illustration of the transport of the HTMR-100 pressure vessel
HTMR-100. The line indicates the level of the ground and what lies below it.
HTMR-100 building complex
Indication of the internal engineering structure of the HTMR-100 reactor. Half of this is underground.
Illustration of a nuclear Chain Reaction occurring with uranium atoms splitting
Graphical representation of the HTMR-100
HTMR-100 in an industrial setting
South African fabricated nuclear fuel element for Koeberg
PA Justine Burgess proudly holding a TRISO Fuel Ball
Francois Reyneke, Director: Commercial, with a TRISO fuel ball
Dr Kelvin Kemm about to give a nuclear power presentation to the Economic Summit of the African Union
Dr Louis van Pletzen with Dr Kemm in his club in London.
Prof Robert Kennedy of the University of Sheffield and Eleanor Millford, a Partner in Excellium Capital Partners met with Dr Kelvin Kemm in London to discuss collaboration in nuclear projects
Commemorative medallion issued on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Safari 1 nuclear reactor near Pretoria
Stratek Global Director: Commercial Francois Reyneke standing inside the air-intake of an industrial fan system under construction
Chemical engineer Zak Medela standing in front of part of the TRISO fuel manufacturing facility
Dr Kelvin Kemm with a medium-sized industrial fan built in a Group facility
Stratek Global Executive Team having a ‘Bush discussion’ known locally as a Bos Konferensie
Stratek Team
Stratek Team
South African engineer Hügo Krüger stands with 80 year old Iranian farmer Azdan Taleshi in an Orchard on his farm in Ramsar Iran, the most radioactive town on Earth
Mr Taleshi indicates his thriving orchard in Ramsar, the most radioactive town on Earth
The military maintains constant nuclear response protocols in case of a nuclear incident requiring fast reaction.Find the military helicopter
Sunset over the South African Highveld
Cape Point at the southern tip of Cape Town, points towards the Antarctic
Koeberg nuclear power station can be seen in the distance on a stormy day
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station with some of its herds of Zebra and Eland
Looking towards Mozambique in the distance from a mountain in Hoedspruit